
Writeups about finished boxes/challenges from tryhackme, hackthebox and picoCTF.

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Bolt by 0x9747

IP =*
Difficulty: Easy
Machine OS: Linux
Learning Platform: tryhackme.com

*Note: IP address may vary.


Scoping and Preparation

Connect to Tryhackme OpenVPN Server using:

Run our recon tools such as nmap and gobuster.

I ran nmap twice to get the specific ports that are open so I can do OS and Version enumeration faster since I got the open ports needed.

1st Nmap command used: sudo nmap -T4 -p- -oN [FILENAME] [IP]

2nd Nmap command used: sudo nmap -A -T4 -p[OPEN_PORTS_GOT_ON_1ST_NMAP_SCAN] -oN [FILENAME] [IP]

Gobuster command used: gobuster dir -u http://[IP] -w [WORDLIST] -o [FILENAME FOR OUTPUT] -t [NUMBER OF THREADS]

External Enumeration

Preliminary Enumeration via nmap

Table 1.1: nmap Results Summary

22/tcp open SSH OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open HTTP Apache httpd 2.4.29 ((Ubuntu))
8000/tcp open HTTP (PHP 7.2.32-1)

Nmap Scan

Ubuntu Version: Ubuntu Bionic

Web Enumeration

Browsing through the HTTP service at port 80 gives us the default Apache page.

HTTP webserver

Let’s see what the web technologies that the web server use. In this case, I use the browser extension wapplayzer. Link


Nothing new come up from checking the web technologies using wappalyzer. Let’s see the HTTP service in port 8000.

HTTP Service at port 8000

Scrolling through the webpage, we see a post from Jake telling the password of the admin account.

Let’s see the web technologies used in the HTTP server at port 8000.

Scrolling further, we can also see that Jake also shares the username of his admin account named bolt.

Sharing username

BoltCMS at port 8000

We can see that the HTTP server at port 8000 is running BoltCMS. We will look for the documentation about BoltCMS later since we have possible credentials for the CMS.

Login page for Bolt CMS

Searching bolt cms login page on google gives us the documentation for BoltCMS.

BoltCMS login page

Submitting the credentials, we are now logged in as admin in the BoltCMS and also we can see the BoltCMS version. We can try if it has specific version vulnerability.

Logged in as bolt


Web Server Exploitation

We now have valid login for the webpage and BoltCMS version. We can look if the running version of BoltCMS has vulnerabilities. We can use the tool searchsploit.

Command used: searchsploit bolt


We can see that there is a authenticated RCE (Remote Code Execution) in BoltCMS v.3.7.0.. We can further examine it using searchsploit by using the -x flag and copying the path shown on the previous searchsploit output.

Command used: searchsploit -x php/webapps/48296.py

The command above will show the exploit code for the specified path given on searchsploit.

Basing on the tryhackme question, it suggests that we use the metasploit module for our exploit.

Metasploit module

We will use the exploit/unix/webapp/bolt_authenticated_rce module for our exploit. To quickly select this module, type use 0

We just need to set the LHOST, RHOST, USERNAME and PASSWORD to successfully run the exploit module. The commands used are shown below. (Note: Press ENTER key for every command) Lastly type, run or if you want to be a cool kid, type exploit.

set USERNAME bolt
set PASSWORD boltadmin123

Table 1.2: Credentials

Username Password
bolt boltadmin123


Internal Enumeration

Table 1.3: Checklist for Linux Internal Enumeration

ss -tlnp lists all sockets (-t = tcp) (-l = listening) (-n = numeric) (-p = processes)  
netstat -tulnp    
sudo -l lists all binaries/files/programs the current user has sudo permissions. (might require password)  
find / -type f -user root -perm -u+s 2>/dev/null finds files in / directory that has SUID bit set. If any, consult GTFOBins.  
uname -a prints system information (-a = all)  
whoami && id prints effective userid (EUID) and prints real and effective userid and groupids (GID).  
cat /etc/crontab checks for cron jobs.  

Notes: For more information about the commands look here

Tip: When nothing else makes sense, try to use LinPEAS (winPEAS for windows machines.).

We are now logged in as root


We don’t have a need to escalate our privileges since we are now root.

To find the flag, use the find binary:

Command used: find / -type f -name 'flag.* 2>/dev/null'

Flag location

Data Exfiltration

We also managed to get the confidential info for the machine and dumped it into a file named Confidential.md (includes /etc/shadow contents and root flag)


The next two steps are not necessary for completion of the machine but it completes the 5 Phases of Penetration Testing.


Copied the /etc/shadow file for user identification and their passwords.

Added another root user for easy access.

Clearing Tracks

Removed all logs and footprints to to prevent risk of exposure of breach to security administrator.

Status: Finished

Feel free to reach out and if there is something wrong about the above post. Feedbacks are also appreciated! :D

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